
Showing posts with the label Weight reduction recipes

Recipes that help in weight reduction diet

Many of us now plan to reduce weight. Here are a few recipes to begin with: Horse gram Porridge Horse gram powder Barley - Horse gram Porridge Raw Rice Rawa, Lemon and Ginger Porridge Dalia Porridge for weight reduction after delivery Healthy Snack Bag Tip to reduce weight

Tip to reduce weight

To a cup of hot water add a pinch of Cinnamon Powder and drink it slowly sip by sip. This taken regularly helps in reducing weight.

Healthy Snack bag

Ingredients: Corn flakes - 2 cups Roasted Channa Dal - 1 cup Roasted puffed rice - 2 cups Roasted Poha - 1 cup Roasted peanuts - 1 cup Roasted channa - 1 cup Roasted green moong - 1 cup Curry Leaves - 1/2 cup Ghee - 1 tbsp Method: Heat 1/2 tbsp of ghee in a pan and fry the curry leaves in it till they turn crispy. Add all the ingredients one by one and saute them. Add the remaining 1/2 tbsp of ghee on top and mix well. Remove from flame and let them all cool. Store in an airtight container. This makes a great snack for exam going students and for dieters.

Dalia Kanji or Conjee recipe for weight loss after pregnancy.

Many women find it very very hard to loose the excess weight gained during pregnancy. Dalia porridge helps in reducing the weight slowly and steadily. It is easily digestive and can be had by lactating mothers without much fear. It is also a very healthy recipe. Ingredients : Dalia  or broken wheat - 1/4 cup Low fat butter - 2 tbsp Oats - 2 tbsp Low fat milk - 1 1/2 cups Powdered sugar - 1 1/2 tbsp Cinnamon powder - 1/2 tsp Apple - 1 nos Banana - 2 nos Method: Wash and clean the broken wheat. In a pressure pan heat the butter and when it melts add the broken wheat and saute it in medium flame for about 3 mins. Add the oats to it and mix well and saute it again for about 2 mins. Add milk and 1 cup of water and mix thoroughly without forming any lumps. Pressure cook on a medium flame for 2 whistles. When cold add sugar and cinnamon powder and mix well. Refrigerate it. Before eating cut the apples into thin slices and bananas into thin rounds. Garnish the porridge with th

Raw Rice Rawa, Lemon and Ginger Kanji - Recipe to loose weight

Ingredients: Broken Rice Rawa- 1/2 cup Salt to taste Lemon - 1/2 Ginger Juice - 1 tsp Method: Cook rice rawa either in open pan or pressure cook it. Remove and mash it. Add ginger juice, lemon juice and salt and serve. This kanji helps in reducing body weight if taken 2 glasses daily in the morning

Barley-Horsegram Porridge to reduce weight

This recipe is a very good weight reducer if taken regularly. Ingredients: Barley - 1/2 cup Horse gram - 1/2 cup Dried ginger powder - 1 tsp Salt to taste Butter milk - 1 cup Water - 1 cup Green chilly - 1 Lemon - 1/2 Method: Clean barley and horsegram and grind it to a fine powder in flour mill (it is a bit hard to grind it in mixer at home). Take 3 tsp of the powder and fry it in a dry pan ensuring it didnot burn out. Add 1/4 cup of water and make it to a fine paste without forming any lumps. Mash any if formed and beat it thoroughly. Add remaining water and cook it. Keep stirring so that it does not burn and also not to form lumps. When cooked remove from flame, add dried ginger powder, green chillies and salt. Add buttermilk and squeeze out the lemon juice. Note: If milk, sugar and elaichi is added to the cooked mixture and drank regularly then it helps in regaining the weight that is reduced due to dieting and heavy exercising.

Horse gram powder for weight reduction

Ingredients: Horse gram - 1 cup Red chillies - 10 nos Asafodeita - 1 pinch Salt to taste Method: Fry horse gram, red chillies and asafodeita in dry pan. When cold add required salt and grind it to a coarse powder.  Add it to hot rice and ghee mix well.  This is very good for cold and it also helps in weight reduction. 

Horse gram Porridge - Healthy recipe for women

This is a summer drink, which helps in easy digestion and keeps the body cool. Those who want to diet also can add horse gram in their daily routine which will help in reduction of extra fat. Ingredients Horse Gram - 1/4 cup Boiled Rice - 3/4 cup Water - 3 cups Salt to taste Butter milk - 2 cups Method Fry the horse gram in a dry pan and grind it coarsely. Fry the boiled rice also and grind it coarsely. Pressure cook horse gram powder and boiled rice using 2 cups of water. When cooked mash it using a laddle. Add salt, remaining cup of water and butter milk to it. This serves two people. Note: Ginger, coriander, curry leaves can be ground into a fine paste and added to this porridge to give a different taste. This powder can be made in larger quantities and stored. It can be used whenever needed. Pregnant Women, can have it as a breakfast especially in the end of 2nd trimester and the whole of 3rd trimester as it gives a lot of energy. Lactating Women can have thi