
Showing posts with the label Events

Diwali Event - Traditional recipes in the modern times

This is the first event hosted by SuvaiArusuvai website. We all love the sweets and savories our grand ma's have made. Sweets like Jaangiri, Jilebi, Baadusha, Mohandaal, Laddu, Athirasam all are available in the sweet shops and we normally dont do them at home.. So are savouries like Kai murukku, rayil kattidam (both sweet and spicy). Here is what we request you to share. 1. What are the sweets and savouries you are planning to make this year for Diwali. 2. Is there any traditional sweet or savory you are planning to add 3. If so please share your recipe and the cooking method with us. (preferably with photos) 4. Even if not, share your tasting experience of such sweets made by your mom or grandmom and the taste from the sweet shops. Post your entries on or before 30th October 2011. The recipes can be posted in your blog, or in your facebook profile page and also as a comment to this post. Wherever you post, add the title link in your posts. After posting it in your blog o