
Showing posts with the label Onion

Quick and Flavorful Onion Chutney Recipe (Vengaya Chutney)

An aromatic and flavourful side dish for idlis or dosas and that too something to be done in a jiffy, theis chutney is known as Avasara Chutney - Urgent chutney in our family as this is done when ppl say we dont want milagaipodi which is always available at home. This chutney is very tasty and also bursting with flavours. A favourite dish for every one at home and this is taught by my Mother in law. This is a recipe that is pungent and also sweet due to the onions. The best part of this dish is that you can also mix it with steaming hot rice and a spoon of gingely oil too. Ingredients: Onions - 2 medium sized (increase the quantity if you are making this for more people) Red Chiily round - 4 nos Tamarind - small gooseberry size or 1/2 tbsp Tamarind paste Crystal salt - Kal uppu - 1/2 tsp For tempering: Gingely Oil - 4tbsp Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp Curry leaves - a few Method: Heat 2 tbsp oil in a hard bottom flat pan. Chop the onions roughly and add it to the oil along with the red chi

Clear Onion Soup

Ingredients: Onion - 2 nos Green chilly - 1 no Corn flour - 1 tbsp Grated cheese - 1/4 cup Butter - 2 tbsp Water - 4 cups Salt to taste Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp (optional) Method: Chop onions very finely. Heat butter in a shallow pan. Saute the onion and green chilly for a few minutes till the onions become brown in colour. Add 1 cup of water and bring it to boil in a medium flame. Mix corn flour in 2 tbsp of water and make it a paste and add it to the boiling mixture. Add the remaining water and bring it to a boil. Serve hot with grated cheese and a dash of pepper powder.

How to Caramalize Onions

Caramalized Onions can be used in any soup and especially French Onion soup. It can also be used in omlettes too. Ingredients: Onions big - 2 nos Butter - 1 tbsp Cooking Oil - 1 tsp Sugar - 1 pinch Salt - 1/4 tsp Method to caramalize Onions Slice the onions to thin strips. Heat a hard bottom pan and when it is very hot add oil and turn the heat to medium. When the oil is hot add the onions and sprinkle the salt and sugar over it. Keep stirring till the onion turns brown. The entire process will take about 10 to 20 mins.  Ensure that the onions dont stick to the bottom of the pan. When all the slices are brown remove from fire and immediatly transfer it to a plate or bowl to avoid over cooking.