
Showing posts with the label Meena

Kerala Appam and Chutney by Meena Shankar

Ingredients; raw rice 2cups doppi rice 2cups  sugar 1teasp yeast 1teasp,salt Method: For the next day breakfast, soak the rice previous day afternoon & grind it the night take half up of lukewarm water &add the yeast & sugar &mix thouroghly,close it & keep this for 1/2 hour so that this will ferment. after that mix this with the batter and stir it well. add the salt also.keep this over the night at room temp.the next day it will get ready. if u want to add little water add .take an appachatty ( nonstick is nice ) pour one spoon of batter & rotate it .cover with lid & in 2 min it will be ready. very healthy & tasty. CHUTNEY Grated coconut,tamarind,garlic,redchillies,salt. Take a steelrod, prick the chillies in it,heat directly in the flame (just tilt it) for some seconds so that it gives smell.overheat will burn it. with this,add garlic & other ingredients & grind . add some water for loose consistancy. heat some