Idly Milagai Podi - Gujarathi Style
Ingredients: Bengal gram - 1/4 cup Thuvar Dal - 1/4 cup Urad Dal - 1/4 cup Sesame seeds - 1/4 cup Moong Dal - 1/4th cup Red chillies - 2 cups Salt - 1/4 cup Asafodeita - 1 inch piece Method: In a dry pan add the sesame seeds and fry till it splutters and becomes red. Fry bengal gram, thuvar dal and urad dal one by one. Fry all of them till they turn red. Reduce the flame and fry the moong dal till it becomes red. Fry the asafodeita then the red chillies. Ensure that it doesnot turn black. Let it cool and grind sesame seeds first and transfer it to a plate. Grind all the other ingredients together to a fine powder. In the end add the sesame seeds powder and grind it again so that all the ingredients mix well. Spread on a plate to cool. Store it in an air tight container.