
Showing posts with the label Apple

Spicy Hot Apple Cider

Ingredients: Apple Juice - 8 cups Cinnamon powder - 2 tspns Nutmeg powder - 2 pinches Cloves - 4 nos 1 Orange Cinnamon sticks - 2 nos Whipped cream - 1/2 cup Method: In a sauce pan heat the apple juice, cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, cloves and orange slices. Cook in medium flame till the mixture is hot, stirring occasionally. Remove from flame and transfer it to another vessel while still hot. Garnish it with cinnamon sticks and whipped cream. Great appitizer drink.

Apple Mango Smoothie Recipe

Ingredients: Mango - 1 no Apple - 2 nos Honey - 1 tsp Unsour thick Curd - 3 cups Method: Deskin the mango and apple and dice them into small cubes. Blend both the fruits together in a blender to a fine paste. Add in the honey and curd and blend again till it becomes smooth and uniform blend. Serve chilled.

Recipe to make Apple Burfi

Apple is one fruit that almost all like the most. Just like the way we make Mango Halwa we can make burfi out of Apples. Ingredients: Apple - 2 to 3 nos (depending upon the size) Pineapple - 1 no Sugar - 3 cups Ghee - 1/4 cup Method:        Make a fine pulp out of apple which should be equal to 1 cup. Make pulp out of pineapple equal to 1/2 cup. Add these two pulps along with sugar to a hard bottom pan. Keep stirring in moderate heat till the pulp getts thicker. When thick add ghee little by little till the pulp starts coming out of the sides of the pan. Pour the mixture to a ghee smeared plate. When cold cut into pieces. Note: Can be decorated with pista pieces. And if it is been served for a party then can be decorated with finely chopped pieces of apple and pineapple too.

Recipe for Apple Jam in Microwave

It is very easy to make Apple Jam in microwave. Ingredients: Apple - 2 nos medium Sugar - 1/4 cups Cinnamon Powder - 1 Pinch Method: Peel and chop the apples. In a microwave safe bowl add the chopped apples and sugar and microwave high for 2 mins. Remove and mash the apple slightly. Add the cinnamon powder and microwave it high again for about 2 1/2 mins on micro high. Remove and store in airtight container and refregirate it.

Apple Shake with cinnamon to cure Acidity

Acidity have become very very common ailment in the recent times. People tend to get it more easily due to the current lift style. Apple which keeps the doctor away, definitely keeps acidity away if it is taken with cinnamon. Ingredients: Apple - 2 nos Sugar - 2 tbsp Milk - 2 cups (chilled milk) Cinnamon Powder - 1 tsp Ice cubes - 4 nos Method to make: Peel and dice apples to cubes and grind it in a blender to a fine puree along with milk and 1/2 cup of milk. Add the cinnamon powder and the remaining milk and whip it well. Serve with 1 or 2 ice cubes. This makes 4 glasses of milk shake. Can be served with small cubes of apple on top. Health Benefits of Cinnamon Powder.

Appy Magic - A healthy recipe for Pregnant Women and kids

An apple a day keeps doctor away. A pregnant woman needs lots of nourishment during her entire period of pregnancy. Some women due to their morning sickness will not eat a lot. For them, this drink is a great boon and this can be had immediatly after preparing. Ingredients: Apples - ripe and unsour - 4 medium sized Sugar - 1/2 tbsp (better substitute with Honey) Lime Juice - 1 tbsp Ice cubes - 1 or 2 (optional) How to make Appy Magic: In a juicer blender, grind the apples (if the juicer have its own filter the better, if not the juice have to be strained using a muslin cloth). Blend it till it is smooth and a fine paste. Add the lemon juice, sugar or honey and mix well. Serve with the ice cubes. This juice is to be made immediatly after cutting the apples so as the nutritional value in it is not lost. The dash of lime juice will help in getting releived from morning sickness. Honey will help in increased strength(as it have iron content in it). Ice cubes also help in reducin