How to make ghee at home

Now a days there are lots of brands of ghee available in the market. They advertise it as Manal Manalaai Nei - Sand like textured ghee. I have grown up eating ghee that was made at home. Dad will purchase butter - the Oothukuli butter from the famous Thayar Dairy stores in Ranganathan Street, T. Nagar, near the railway station. The butter will be pure white. I am not sure now if it is cow butter or butter from buffalo as the butter that I get now a days are slightly yellow in colour. The ghee made from this store bought butter at home smells great and the whole house will be full of that smell for almost the whole day. The best part of it is we kids get to eat a small ball of the butter which definitely we look for. The butter is not table butter. It is saltless and is of a smooth texture. I find that texture lacking in today's store bought cooking butter be it of any brand.

Making ghee at home is indeed a cherished tradition for many, and the quality and texture often surpass store-bought options. The process may seem straightforward, but attention to detail is crucial to achieve the perfect result.

To begin, start with high-quality butter, preferably pure white in color, which may indicate it's sourced from cow's milk. Oothukuli butter from renowned dairy stores like Thayar Dairy in T. Nagar is a popular choice for its purity and flavour.

Once you have your butter, follow these steps carefully:

Preparation: Ensure the butter is at room temperature before starting the process. Cut it into small cubes to facilitate even melting.

By following these steps with care and attention, you can create homemade butter with a smooth texture and rich aroma that surpasses many store-bought options. Enjoy the process and savour the delightful taste of homemade goodness!

  1. Prepare the Butter: Place solid butter in a hard-bottomed pan and begin melting it over normal heat.

  2. Melt and Stir: Once the butter melts completely, reduce the flame to medium and start stirring continuously. The melted butter will initially appear opaque.

  3. Monitor and Adjust Heat: As the butter begins to bubble, reduce the flame further to prevent overflowing. Continue stirring to ensure even cooking and to avoid burning.

  4. Observe Aroma and Transparency: At this stage, you'll notice the distinct aroma of ghee starting to emerge. The liquid will gradually turn transparent, indicating that the ghee is ready.

  5. Strain and Store: Once the ghee reaches the desired consistency and color, remove it from heat and allow it to cool slightly.

After removing the pan from the flame, place it on a solid surface to cool. Once the ghee has cooled to a manageable temperature, carefully transfer it to a designated ghee pot or container for storage.

As the ghee settles, you may notice sediment at the bottom of the container. This sediment, known as "ghee residue" or "ghee solids," can be utilized in various culinary applications to enhance flavour and nutrition. Stay tuned for another post where I'll share creative ways to utilize this nutritious by product of homemade ghee.


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