Nuts Ice Cream Recipe

Milk - 1 cup (Boil it and have it hot)
Milk Powder - 1 Cup
Corn Flour - 1 Tsp
Elaichi Powder - 1/2 tspn
Cashew Nuts, Baadam - Each 12
Butter - 1 tspn

   In a wide vessel add the milk powder and elaichi powder. Add the boiling milk to it and mix it thoroughly without forming lumps. Add butter and corn flour to it and mix well. Keep the vessel in freezer for 30 to 45 mins. After that using a hand beater beat it well. (You can use mixie also to do it). Soak cashew and Baadam in half water for half an hour and peel the skin of baadam and grind it well. Mix this paste with the beaten cream and keep it again in freezer. Let it set for 2 hours.

Tasty and healthy nuts ice cream is ready. You can pour choclate syrup on top of it before serving.


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