Protein-Packed Horse Gram Idli Recipe: A Nutritious and Delicious Breakfast

This idli recipe featuring horse gram, urad dal, and boiled rice is a protein-rich and wholesome dish. Perfect for a nutritious breakfast, these idlis are packed with flavor and goodness. Follow this step-by-step guide to make delicious horse gram idlis.


  • 1 cup urad dal
  • 1 cup horse gram
  • 2 cups boiled rice
  • Salt to taste
  • Gingelly oil (for greasing idli plates)


  1. Soak the Ingredients:

    • Soak the boiled rice overnight in enough water.
    • In a separate bowl, combine the urad dal and horse gram. Wash well and soak them in water for about an hour.
  2. Grind the Batter:

    • Drain the urad dal and horse gram mixture. Blend to a smooth consistency in a grinder, adding water as needed.
    • Grind the soaked boiled rice to a coarse paste.
    • Combine both the batters in a large mixing bowl. Add salt to taste and mix well until you achieve a smooth batter.
  3. Ferment the Batter:

    • Cover the batter and let it ferment in a warm place for about 6 hours or overnight. This allows the batter to rise and develop a light, airy texture.
  4. Prepare the Idli Plates:

    • Grease the idli plates with gingelly oil to prevent sticking.
    • Pour the fermented batter into the idli molds, filling each mold about three-quarters full.
  5. Steam the Idlis:

    • Place the idli plates in an idli steamer.
    • Steam the idlis for 10-12 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  6. Serve:

    • Carefully remove the idlis from the molds using a spoon.
    • Serve hot with coconut chutney and/or tamarind chutney for a delicious meal.

Tips for Perfect Horse Gram Idlis:

  • Consistency of Batter: Ensure the batter is smooth but not too thin. The right consistency is crucial for fluffy idlis.
  • Fermentation: Fermentation time can vary based on the ambient temperature. In cooler climates, leave the batter near a warm oven or use a fermenting box.
  • Greasing: Gingelly oil not only prevents sticking but also adds a subtle flavor to the idlis.

Why This Recipe Works:

This idli recipe leverages the nutritional benefits of horse gram, which is rich in protein, iron, and antioxidants. Combined with urad dal and boiled rice, these idlis offer a balanced and wholesome meal that is both filling and nutritious. The fermentation process enhances the flavor and digestibility of the batter, resulting in soft and fluffy idlis.

Related Searches:

  • Horse gram idli recipe
  • High-protein idli variations
  • Healthy South Indian breakfast recipes
  • How to make idlis with horse gram
  • Traditional idli recipes

This horse gram idli recipe ensures you can easily find and enjoy a nutritious, protein-packed breakfast that is perfect for any day. Enjoy the healthy and delicious flavors with every bite!


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