Recipe for Semiya Rawa Kanji

Semiya Rawa Powder - 2 spoons
Coriander Leaves - 1/4 cup (finely chopped)
Curry Leaves - 1/4 cup (Finely chopped)
Green Chilly - 1 no
Ginger - 1/4 inch (Finely chopped or grated)
Salt - To taste
Butter Milk - 1 cup
Water - 1/2 cup

 Heat water and mix the semiya rawa powder to it and let it get cooked. Add salt, green chilly, coriander leaves and curry leaves to butter milk and mix it with the cooked powder.

This makes a great breakfast. Quick to make too.

Alternatively grind coriander leaves, curry leaves, green chilly, ginger and salt and can be mixed to butter milk.

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