Easy Tomato Soup for one person

On a rainy day if one wants to have a cup of hot soup, this can be prepared in a jiffy and had.

Tomato Puree - 2 tsp
Corn flour - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Ajinomotto - 1 pinch (optional)
Water - 1 cup
Coriander leaves - a few
Mint leaves - a few
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Butter - 2 tsp

Mix tomato puree in 1/2 cup of water. Heat another 1/2 cup of water and when it starts boiling reduce the flame and add corn flour and mix well ensure that no lumps are formed. Add salt and the tomato puree mixed water. Bring it to boil. Remove from flame, add pepper powder, finely chopped mint leaves and coriander leaves. Serve hot with butter on top.

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